R908A (Prof. Park's office)
AS911 (Prof. Kim's office)
at Adamschall Hall
Dept. of CSE
Sogang University
Seoul, South Korea.
Contact Information
We are actively recruiting graduate students for MS, PhD and Integrated MS/PhD programs. If you are interested in system software research such as operating system, distributed system, and system security, please contact Prof. Youngjae Kim (youkim_AT_sogang_ac_kr).
R908A (Prof. Park's office)
AS911 (Prof. Kim's office)
at Adamschall Hall
Dept. of CSE
Sogang University
Seoul, South Korea.
+ 82 02 705-8929 (Prof. Sungyong Park)
+ 82 02 705 8933 (Prof. Youngjae Kim)
Mon - Fri: 09.00 to 18.00